
Cuticle oil, strengthening top coats, vitamin E serums... Sally Hansen's Care Line is the unsung hero of healthy, beautiful hands. 

Our challenge was to showcase a group of products that usually stay behind the scenes. As the foundation for beautiful nails and manicures, their application and payoff isn't as visually dramatic as with color nail polish. It's difficult to romance a clear, protective nail varnish, for instance. Therefore, we focused on the insight of beauty coming from strength, and cast four real, self-made women, whose professions involve a lot of work with their hands: a boxer, a ceramicist, a confectioner (candy maker!) and a florist. 

Cuticle oil, strengthening top coats, vitamin E serums... Sally Hansen's Care Line is the unsung hero of healthy, beautiful hands. 

Our challenge was to showcase a group of products that usually stay behind the scenes. As the foundation for beautiful nails and manicures, their application and payoff isn't as visually dramatic as with color nail polish. It's difficult to romance a clear, protective nail varnish, for instance. Therefore, we focused on the insight of beauty coming from strength, and cast four real, self-made women, whose professions involve a lot of work with their hands: a boxer, a ceramicist, a confectioner (candy maker!) and a florist. 

Cuticle oil, strengthening top coats, vitamin E serums... Sally Hansen's Care Line is the unsung hero of healthy, beautiful hands. 

Our challenge was to showcase a group of products that usually stay behind the scenes. As the foundation for beautiful nails and manicures, their application and payoff isn't as visually dramatic as with color nail polish. It's difficult to romance a clear, protective nail varnish, for instance. Therefore, we focused on the insight of beauty coming from strength, and cast four real, self-made women, whose professions involve a lot of work with their hands: a boxer, a ceramicist, a confectioner (candy maker!) and a florist. 

Cuticle oil, strengthening top coats, vitamin
E serums... Sally Hansen's Care Line
is the unsung
hero of healthy,
beautiful hands. 

Our challenge was to showcase a group of products that usually stay behind the scenes. As the foundation for beautiful nails and manicures, their application and payoff isn't as visually dramatic as with color nail polish. It's difficult to romance a clear, protective nail varnish, for instance. Therefore, we focused on the insight of beauty coming from strength, and cast four real, self-made women, whose professions involve a lot of work with their hands: a boxer, a ceramicist, a confectioner (candy maker!) and a florist. 

30 Second Campaign Spot

15 second cutdown- Christina, the boxer

15 second cutdown- Julianne, the ceramicist

15 second cutdown- Julianne,
the ceramicist

15 second cutdown- Marisa, the confectioner

15 second cutdown- Marisa,
the confectioner

15 second cutdown- Tabore, the florist

β€” Details

Anomaly NY

β€” Details

Anomaly NY

β€” Team 

Role: Art Direction
Creative Director: Ida Gronblum
Associate Creative Director: Lea Egan
Producer: Milisava Tertovich
Director: Christelle De Castro
Editor: Victoria Ng

β€” Team 

Role: Art Direction
Creative Director:
Ida Gronblum
Creative Director:
Lea Egan
Milisava Tertovich
Director: Christelle
De Castro

Editor: Victoria Ng

β€” Team 

Role: Art Direction
Creative Director:
Ida Gronblum

Associate Creative Director: Lea Egan
Producer: Milisava Tertovich
Director: Christelle
De Castro

Editor: Victoria Ng


Β©Isabelle Rancier 2019 β€” All rights reserved. 
Nothing on this website can be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or adapted without the prior written consent from Isabelle Rancier.

Β©Isabelle Rancier 2019 β€” All rights reserved. 
Nothing on this website can be reproduced, distributed, transmitted or adapted without the prior written consent from Isabelle Rancier.